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너희가 돌아오기를 계속 기다릴 것이다. 이것은 내가 쓴 세 번째 편지이니 너희가 보고 사랑하기를 바란다💕💕💕 From China FOR X💕
재한오빠,항상꽃길만걸어요. 나는너희들이갈수록좋아질것이라고믿는다.너는건강에주의해야한다.잘해야한다.너무많은스트레스를받지말아야한다. 재한오빠, 나는네가노래를부르는것을매우좋아한다. 노래를듣는것은매우행복한일이다. 매번너의노랫소리에끌린다. 다시무대에서서노래하고춤추는모습을기대하며, 오빠는omeagx를데리고빨리컴백하세요. 나는지금매일너희들의노래를듣고있다. 오빠 노래 나도 계속 듣고 있어. 우린 모두 너희들을 기다리고 있어, 힘내, 사랑해 오빠, 매일 행복해, 사랑해 오빠💕💕💕💕 Because I don't know if the translator I use is right, but it doesn't prevent me from loving you❤️ From China🇨🇳 FOR X💕 宰汉(夹尼) I LOVE YOU FORVER!!!
힘내시고항상꽃길만걸으세요🌸!!! 나는당신들이최고라고믿습니다.당신들의재컴백을기대합니다.당신들이무대에서서즐겁게공연하는모습이특히좋습니다.그래서빨리컴백하세요.힘내세요! 나는너희들을사랑한다,너희들열한사람이줄곧꽃길을걸을수있기를바란다,매일즐겁고즐겁다!!! 동시에휴식도잘하고건강도보장해야한다.나는줄곧너희들이돌아올때까지기다릴것이다.너희들이다시무대에서기를기대한다.화이팅! 사랑해요!!!Because I don't know if the translator I use is right, but it doesn't prevent me from loving you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ OMEGAX I LOVE YOU💕 From china🇨🇳 FOR X❤️
Hi!Jehyun!축하드립니다 우리 Jehyun이 24살의 문을 열었습니다!망망한 인파 속에서 당신을 알게 되어 매우 기쁩니다!!너를 만난 첫 느낌은 여우 같아 귀여워!!사랑해요!우리 오메가 앞으로 꽃길!컴백 기대합니다!사랑해요 자기!!한국어 공부 해요! 기계번역이 정확하지 않을 수도 있어요.
love from 蓝莓
앞으로도 무대를 즐겨주셨으면 좋겠고, 공연을 고집해주셔서 감사드리고, 앞으로도 더 멋진 모습 만들어드릴 수 있도록 열심히 하겠습니다. I hope you enjoy the stage in the future, thank you for insisting on performing, and I will work hard to make a better image in the future. 希望你永远享受舞台,谢谢你一直坚持表演,以后我和你一起努力创造更多的美好。 From Chinses fan
Chinese fan
안녕하세요❤저는 중국에서 온 팬입니다!😝당신들의 음악과 춤은 저에게 끝없는 즐거움을 가져다 주었습니다. 이 도전과 기회가 넘치는 시대에 당신들의 열정과 재능은 저에게 끊임없이 자아를 초월하고 자신의 꿈을 추구하도록 격려하고 있습니다. 당신들의 음악과 무대에서 저는 용감함과 확고함을 보았습니다. 헌신과 노력을 보았습니다. 감사합니다. 당신들 때문에 저는 좌절할 때 일어설 수 있습니다!💪너희들의 존재는 나로 하여금 하루하루를 기대하게 한다!세상의 아름다움이 당신들의 미래로 충만하기를 바랍니다. 앞으로 우리 함께 꽃길을 걷자!!나는 영원히 너희 뒤에서 너희들을 지지할 것이다, 나는 너희들을 사랑한다!!❤💜💛💚💙
자기야,OMEGA X❤ 안녕하세요❤저는 중국에서 온 팬입니다!😝당신들의 음악과 춤은 저에게 끝없는 즐거움을 가져다 주었습니다. 이 도전과 기회가 넘치는 시대에 당신들의 열정과 재능은 저에게 끊임없이 자아를 초월하고 자신의 꿈을 추구하도록 격려하고 있습니다. 당신들의 음악과 무대에서 저는 용감함과 확고함을 보았습니다. 헌신과 노력을 보았습니다. 감사합니다. 당신들 때문에 저는 좌절할 때 일어설 수 있습니다!💪너희들의 존재는 나로 하여금 하루하루를 기대하게 한다!세상의 아름다움이 당신들의 미래로 충만하기를 바랍니다. 앞으로 우리 함께 꽃길을 걷자!!나는 영원히 너희 뒤에서 너희들을 지지할 것이다, 나는 너희들을 사랑한다!!❤💜💛💚💙
你好 YeChan honey,I'm glad to meet you through the drama,You're cute and handsome, no need to say more.But what deeply moved me was your ambition and hard work towards your dreams!Umm…How should I put my mood?It's probably like……If there were times I could't stand it anymore,I used to think about you.I'd think"Yechan lives,he's out there,he's doing his best"And that would get me through it all.Sorry,It seems that I I just take advantage of you more than I love you?But if we take advantage of each other for a lifetime,It is also a form of love and companionship.So I sacrifice all my heart,my love to you,I pray you keep running towards your dreams,never give up even when you are tired,Till I see the tears when your dreams come true.Please convince me that the world is normal,Please convince me that someone can live for what they love.Fighting!I trust you completely! ——Love From Chinese fan:Gaggi.金
Dear omega x 어서 해봐요! 다음 무대를 기대해주세요!
저는 중국에서 온 팬입니다. 중국에는 당신들을 좋아하는 사람들이 많습니다. 비록 과거에 좌절을 겪었지만, 제가 이렇게 훌륭한 당신들을 발견할 수 있도록 견지해 주셔서 감사합니다.잘 지내요. 영원히 행복하게 사세요. 중국에는 당신들을 응원해주는 많은 팬들이 있어요.당신들은 용감하게 자신의 꿈을 이루고 당신들 뒤에는 또 포스가 있다 화이팅!!!기다리겠복귀 ♥ ️
你好XEN~I'm your nostril‘s fan,your nostrils are lovely and sexy~~(giggle giggle:)In fact I started noticing you among O.X,because you look like a boy I had a crush on in my studenthood,But I've grown to like your acting, your voice.I hope to see you enjoying the stage soon,and wish 真祐 Happy and healthy,wish everything goes well with XEN's work!~Fingers Crossed! Fighting!!!
이 편지는 당신의 재한에게 보내는 편지입니다. 나는 중국에서 온 forx입니다. 중국에서 점점 더 많은 사람들이 당신과 당신의 팀원들을 좋아하고있습니다.내가 비록 지금은 당신을 만나러 갈 능력이 없지만, 나는 이곳에서 당신을 영원히 응원합니다.나 작은 요구 하나하고 싶어, 바로 너 반드시 자신의 몸을 중시하고, 자신의 것을 소중하게 생각해야 해~ 걱정하거나 고민하지 말고 항상 즐겁게 지내세요. 우리 forx는 영원히 당신을 지지할 것입니다.파이팅!!! 내 가 너에게 할 말이 많지만나의 한국어이 특별히 좋은 것은 아니다, 다만 당신에게들 려 드리고 싶어요, 용감하게 자신을하 며 좋은 음악을 사랑 한 😘
안녕하세요, 저는 중국에서 온 팬입니다. 이것은 내가 세번째 편지를 보내는 것입니다. 단지 당신이 매우 좋고, 자신과 모두를 위해, 자신의 몸을 잘 보호하고, 나와 중국의 팬들은 모두 당신을 사랑해요. 또한 당신의 사업이 점점 더 좋아지길 바라고, 더 좋은 노래를 만들고, 당신을 사랑해요 ^ 3 ^
亲爱的我的宝物—OMEGA X 此时此刻的我刚看完 one more chanx这个节目,还在哭……有好多话想说又不知道从何说起。你们每个人都很棒,唱歌很好,跳舞很好,每一首歌都很好听。每一首歌在第一次听的时候都会有一种感觉,那就是哇!怎么这么好听!我每一个开心的一天都是用你们的歌声开启的。在一些不开心的时间里你们给我了很多力量。今天是喜欢你们的第七天,虽然爱上你们有一点晚,但在以后的日子里,我会永远的爱你们。加油!在中国有很多爱你们,等待你们的粉丝。我们期待你们的帅气回归,期待你们的舞台,期待你们的演唱会。当然,能来中国举办就更好啦!希望我们的爱能给与你们更多的力量。我爱你们! Dear My Treasures-OMEGA X At this moment I just finished watching the show one more chanx,I m still crying ...... I have so many things to say and don't know where to start. Each and every one of you is great, singing very well, dancing very well, and every song is very good. Every song has a feeling when you first listen to it, that wow! How come it's so good! Every happy day for me was started with your songs. You guys have given me a lot of strength during some unhappy times. Today is the seventh day of loving you guys, although it's a little late to fall in love with you guys, but in the future, I will love you guys forever. OMEGA X FIGHTING! There are many fans in China who love you guys and are waiting for you. We are looking forward to your handsome return, your stage, and your concert. Of course, it would be great if you could come to China! I hope our love will give you more strength. I love you ! FROM China April 23rd, 2023
Dear Jaehan I like you smiles,it's really lovely! Everytime when I see you,I feel energetic and really happy. And whenever I listen to the songs from you and OMEAGX,I will think my favorite singer(you all) is so nice. I also can't stop singing along with you. Hope you will be happy everyday! I will support you forever!
OMEGA X: 안녕하세요, 저는 여러분을 좋아하는 중국 팬입니다. 신예찬과 김재한을 통해 이 훌륭한 그룹을 발견했고, 여러분의 무대와 예능도 모두 보았습니다. 무대가 정말 훌륭했습니다.괴로운 동시에 당신들이 견지하기를 바랍니다. FOR X들은 영원히 응원합니다!!저도 머나먼 중국에서 묵묵히 응원하겠습니다!컴백과 활동 준비와 함께 건강도 챙기고 휴식도 챙기면서 너무 무리하지 말고!힘내세요 오메가엑스 사랑해요!!! —— 매매
예찬이에게: 저는 예찬이를 사랑하는 중국 팬입니다. 드라마를 보고 알게 되었습니다. 연기는 처음이지만 매우 잘했습니다!그뒤에 많은 무대와 예능을 보고 심지어 생방송까지 봤습니다. 정말 매우 좋아합니다. 매력 부자이십니다. 정말 매우 훌륭합니다. 특히 춤추는 것을 매우 좋아합니다!앞으로 더 큰 무대에서 공연했으면 좋겠어요!항상 평안하고 행복하길 바래, 영원히 응원할게!!! -사랑하는 팬 메메
재한이에게: 저는 재한이 사랑하는 중국 팬입니다. 출연한 드라마를 통해 알게 되었습니다. 후기에 무대와 예능을 보고 정말 귀엽고 좋은 리더와 형이라는 것을 알게 되었습니다. 저 덧니와 토끼 이빨을 매우 좋아합니다. 정말 귀여워요. 앞으로 무대에서 반짝반짝 빛나는 모습을 볼 수 있기를 기대하지만 바쁜 와중에도 몸조심하고 휴식을 취해야 합니다.항상 평안하고 행복하길 바래, 영원히 응원할게!!! -사랑하는 메메
Omega X的每一位成员 我爱你们!我在2023年初有幸看到你们的舞台,认识你们,喜欢你们。在了解你们的过去后,我难过了很久,但还是很庆幸你们能够带着你们的梦想走到现在,把你们最好的每一次舞台带给Forx。我的男孩们,无论过去,不畏将来,我将会一直陪你们走下去。接下来的日子,一起走花路吧。 Every member of Omega X,I love you! I was lucky enough to see your stage at the beginning of 2023, know you and like you. After learning about your past, I was sad for a long time, but I am glad that you can bring your dreams to the present and bring your best stage to forx. My boys, regardless of the past, regardless of the future, I will always go with you. Let's spend the next days together.Omega X 힘내세요!
안녕하세요, 제 이름은 jiangling입니다, 처음으로 당신에게 편지를 쓰고, 당신은 너무 피곤하지 말고, 적당한 휴식을 즐겨야합니다!!몸이 좋아야 진짜 좋아져!!오메가 x 대박!꽃길을쭉!!! I don't know how to say it in Korean, so if there's something wrong with it Please forgive me😄😄
I am a fan from Guangdong, China.Thank you very much. You were born in this world so that I can love you.I feel incredible because it's my first time to meet such a good group.I hope you must take care of yourself first.I'm really worried to see what happened to you.Finally, you must remember to eat on time, go to bed early and be happy every day. When I have enough money, I will go to Korea to see you.
I am waiting for you!!!
Bunny dog
很抱歉这么晚才发出第一封信,原本是想在小狐狸帝现生日那天发出的。不过今天也是个好日子呢,虽然一整天都很艰难,又因为下雨天犯了偏头痛,但是下班的时候,看到《dream》单曲发布的消息,整个人都晴朗了起来。 首先还是要祝福小狐狸帝现生日快乐!虽然晚了好几天,虽然明天就是世宾的生日了(笑)。不知道生日那天,帝现都做了什么呢?我的话,因为这一周的前几天白天开会晚上熬夜赶deadline,所以当天下班后,原本是想好好休息下的。4月20日是《THE FIRST SLAM DUNK》在中国的上映首日,我买了下午七点的票打算去看,然后又因为各种原因改签到了晚上十点。虽然身体很累,但还是坚持去看了。还好去看了,是非常非常棒的电影!距离我看《SLAM DUNK》的动画TV和漫画已经快20年了,无论如何,都很想在荧幕上看到全国大赛,感觉童年缺了一块的拼图被补齐了,非常圆满。另外,井上雄彦说过,“青春就是有遗憾的,青春就是现在。”所以,想做什么就去做吧,现在就是最好的时候。 我很抱歉这么晚才认识到你们,也很感谢你们一直没有放弃,坚持到了现在。我喜欢的一位歌手说过,“你们可能因为一百件事情而喜欢我,但是在那之前,我已经做了一万件事情。”或许我没办法对你们的过去感同身受,但是我知道,走到我们面前这个过程,真的很艰难很辛苦吧。所以,以后就让我们一起,一直走下去吧。 OMEGAX是我喜欢的第一个韩国组合,所以很遗憾我还没办法用韩语表达我的心情。但是做个约定吧:我会好好学韩语,也请你们照顾好自己,每天开心哦。 I'm sorry for sending the first letter so late, though I originally wanted to send it on ‘little fox’ Jehyun's birthday. But today was a good day, although the whole day was difficult and I had a migraine because of the rainy weather, when I got off work, when I saw the news of the release of the "dream" single, the whole person cleared up. First of all, I still want to wish the 'little fox' Jehyun happy birthday! Although it's a few days late, although it's Sebin's birthday tomorrow (hhh). I wonder what did Jehyun do on his birthday? In my case, because the first few days of the week, I had meetings during the day and stayed up late at night to catch up on deadlines, so after work that day, I originally wanted to get some rest. April 20 was the first day that THE FIRST SLAM DUNK opened in China, so I bought a ticket to see it at 7:00 p.m., and then changed it to 10:00 p.m. for various reasons. Although I was physically tired that time, I still insisted on going to see it. Luckily, I went to see it, because it was a very, very good movie! It's been almost 20 years since I watched the SLAM DUNK anime TV and manga, and in any case, I wanted to see the national competition on the screen, feeling that the missing piece of the puzzle from my childhood had been completed. In addition, Inoue Takehiko said, "Youth is to have regrets, youth is now." So, do what you want to do, now is the best time. I'm sorry to have met you all so late, and I'm grateful that you haven't given up and have persevered until now. My favorite singer said, 'You may like me for a hundred things, but I've done ten thousand things before that.' I may not be able to empathize with your past, but I know that the process of coming to us is really tough and hard, right? So, let's get together in the future and keep going. OMEGAX is the first Korean group I like, so unfortunately I can't express my feelings in Korean yet. But make a promise: I will learn Korean well, and please take care of yourselves and have fun every day. Love you all.
Hi, dear omegax. I am a fan from China. Not long ago, I met you, which made me feel very happy. After listening to your songs and watching the MV, I am sure that you are excellent. Of course, I'm not the only one who met you, and many China fans have fallen in love with ox, and we will always support you.If there is no previous experience, I believe ox will be more successful. I look forward to your next return. I love you all. (Besides, Dream is very nice! ) OX,fighting! 嗨,亲爱的omegax。我是来自中国的粉丝。不久之前,我遇到了你们,这使我非常开心。后来听了你们的歌,看了MV,我确定你们非常优秀。当然,不止我一人遇见了你们,还有很多中国粉丝爱上了你们,我们将会永远支持你们。如果没有以前的遭遇,我相信ox将会更加成功。期待你们的下一次回归,我爱你们所有人。(另外,Dream非常好听!)OX,加油!
你好啊,爀。我是来自中国的粉丝,优秀的你吸引了我的目光,让我从此一发不可收拾。不仅仅是因为你的脸太过于帅气,性格也同样让我着迷。我喜欢在舞台上散发魅力的你,让人忍不住心动,任何一个动作都是完美的。以后请多多在舞台上展现自己吧,我爱你。中国粉丝永远在你身后支持你。(不知道机翻会不会影响阅读。) Hello, Hyuk. I'm a fan from China, and you caught my eye, which made me out of control. Not just because your face is too handsome, but your personality also fascinates me. I like you who exudes charm on the stage. People can't help but be moved. Every movement is perfect. Please show yourself on the stage more often in the future. I love you. China fans will always be behind you.(I wonder if the machine flip will affect reading.)
Jaehan,hello!I'm your Chinese fan.I'm sorry i meet you so late.Knowing you, knowing what you've been through,I want to thank you so much for making it this far.I hope you can go on together, and I can accompany you forever.Don't know what to say when i have the chance to say something to you.After all,i love you so much!!!Do anything what you want,FOR X will surport you all the time! 宰汉,你好呀!我是你的中国粉丝。很遗憾这么晚才认识你,了解你,了解你们经历的种种之后,我非常感谢你们能够坚持到现在,我希望你们能够一直走下去,我也会一直陪着你们。有这个机会对你说些什么的时候却不知道说什么了,总之,我非常非常喜欢你!!!做你想做的事吧,FOR X会永远支持你们! 재한 아,안녕하세요.저는 당신의 중국 팬입니다.이렇게 늦게 너를 알게 되어서 정말 섭섭하다.당신들을 알게 되고 당신들의 경력을 알게 된후 나는 당신들이 지금까지 견지해준데 대해 매우 감사를 드립니다.나는 당신들이 계속 걸어갈수 있기를 바라며 나도 계속 당신들을 동반할것이다.당신에게 얘기할 기회가 있었는데 무슨 말을 하는지 모르시는군요.아무튼, 나는 너를 매우 좋아한다!!!네가하고 싶은 일을 해라. FOR X는 영원히 너희들을 지지할 것이다!
First of all,happy birthday to Sebin.🥳🥳🎂🎂🎂💝💝🎊🎊🎉Hope u can happy, lucky and heathy in the year! Because a drama fell in love with a group and was happy to discover the treasure group of omegax. We fans all know that everyone loves the stage and has been working hard. We believe that a beautiful future is not long away, and the treasure will be discovered by everyone. Everyone will take the path of flowers!! There are really many people in China who like and care about you, so please make sure to show us more of you, and we will always support you!!!! We are loving uuuuu♥(。→v←。)♥🥰🥰 먼저, 세빈의 생일을 축하합니다.🥳🥳🎂🎂🎂💝💝🎊🎊🎉한 해 동안 즐겁고 행운스럽고 건강했으면 좋겠습니다. 연극 때문에 한 단체를 사랑하게 되었고, 오메가의 보물 단체를 발견하게 되어 기뻤다.우리 팬들은 모두가 무대를 사랑하고 열심히 일하고 있다는 것을 알고 있다.우리는 아름다운 미래가 멀지 않다고 믿는다. 보물은 모든 사람에게 발견될 것이다.누구나 꽃길을 걷는다!!중국에는 정말 많은 사람들이 당신을 좋아하고 관심을 가지고 있기 때문에 반드시 우리에게 더 많은 당신을 보여주십시오. 우리는 영원히 당신을 지지할 것입니다!!!우리 우우우 사랑해요.♥(。→v←。)♥🥰🥰 이세항 Lishihang
Hey! OMEGA X! I come from China . I love yours songs ,dance and stage❤!Every member of OMEGA X is excellent idols❤❤❤!!!I really expect yours new album and new stage! There are many many many many people in China who support OMEGA X. So every member of OMEGA X doesn't give up.We love you so so so so much❤!!!You're all dear to me❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I'm sure more people will like you because OMEGA X is an excellent team! Finally,the most important thing is good health and be happy!!!!!We really hope you happy and health everyday❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤because we really love you.오빠야~사랑해~ Google을 통해 번역된 한국어 ㅋㅋㅋ Hey! 오메가 X! 저는 중국에서 왔습니다. 나는 당신의 노래, 춤과 무대를 사랑합니다!오메가 X의 모든 멤버는 훌륭한 아이돌❤❤❤입니다 !!! 나는 정말로 당신의 새로운 앨범과 새로운 무대❤를 기대합니다! 중국에는 오메가 X를 지지하는 사람들이 많이 있습니다. 오메가 X의 모든 멤버는 포기하지 않습니다. 우리는 당신을 너무나❤ 사랑합니다!!! 넌 모두 내게❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 소중해 OMEGA X는 훌륭한 팀이기 때문에 더 많은 사람들이 당신을 좋아할 것이라고 확신합니다! 마지막으로 가장 중요한 것은 건강과 행복입니다!!!!! 우리는 당신을 정말로 사랑하기 때문에 매일❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤행복하고 건강하기를 바랍니다.오빠야~사랑해~
Hello my Zai Hani, actually I prefer to call you clip Ni, feel more intimate, I am your little Chinese fan! I got to know you because of the drama "Please Comfort the Teenager". I thought I would pass it after watching it just like other dramas. However, I did not expect that the attraction of you and Yican would be so great to me. Your voice is very recognizable, and your singing is very good. Every little expression of you on the stage is very attractive, and then suddenly I see that you have tiger teeth and rabbit teeth, which are very attractive. I can't help but want to know more about you, so I went to see your troupe and the variety shows you participated in. Every child is excellent and worthy of love, you are my first fan group, also the first Korean boy group, really let me feel honored, because every one of you are excellent, but the most important is because I like you, love me, love my dog... Later, I watched a lot of video and stage interviews about you, and got to know more about you. You always have a kind of random sex when you dance, which makes people feel very comfortable. When you sing, it is really very nice. In addition, I know that you can not only sing well, but also write songs, which makes me feel that you have been a great success as a love Dou. At the same time, I feel sorry for you when I find out that you, as a team leader, have suffered all kinds of grievances and pressures due to your previous bad company. But fortunately, you have overcome these difficulties and gradually become better, because you have many fans in China. I wish you could join bilibili so that I can see you every day. It's beautiful to think about it hahaha... Because every day I read about you and your materials in the wechat group of Douyin Xiaohongshu (Omega X fan group) in B station's Weibo, I feel that I have been poisoned by a kind of poison called like Jinzaihan... And there is no solution, it has been a month, I will watch the same video very many times, the content is remembered, but still can't help watching you ha ha ha ha really like you, you are very attractive, my words a lot... That's it for today. I'll write you something later. Love you every day, I hope you want to keep healthy, eat well, sleep well, live well, love yourself!
안녕 나의 재하니, 사실 나는 너를 자니 라고 부르는 것을 더 좋아하고, 느낌은 더욱 친근하다, 나는 너의 중국 꼬마 팬이다!인식 당신은'위로', 시청률이 낮은 드라 마가 있는 원래도 다른 드라마를 보는 것처럼는 줄 알면을 읽었는데, 그러나 일은 당신과 예 찬 제게 이렇게 큰 흡인력을 갖고 드라마를 보면 동영상을 칠하면 갑자기 오메가 x의 무대를 너의 동영상 편집, 펜 홀 더그 립과 같은을 당신은 드라마에서 발견과 드라마 외에 아직 매우 큰 차이를 보이고, 사람으로 하여금 매우 놀 랐다.너의 소리는 유달리적 아이덴티티도 너무너무 좋은 노래를 부르면 네가 무대 에서의 작은 표정마다 특히 인기 가 좋다, 그리고 갑자기 너 무려 덧니 가와 토끼 이빨 보니 아주 사람을 좋아하는 사람으로 하여금 참지 못하여 너를 알고 싶으면 너희를 찾아 갔더니 그는 단 총과 같은 예능 프로그램에 참가하는 것 보니 큰일 났다, 너희는 발견 한 보물 그룹,두 아이 가 모두 매우 우수하고 사랑 할만 한 가치 가 있다. 너희들은 내 가 가루의 첫 단체도 첫 한국 그룹은 정말나를 매우 영광으로 생각 합니다, 왜냐하면 너희 모든 사람이 훌륭 하지만 제일 중요 한 것은 당신이 좋아서 라고 좋아하 하하하 …뒤 무대 영상에 관 한 많은 동무들의 본 인터뷰, 더 다양 한 너를 옳게리 해하였 으며 당신은 항상 뭔가에 섹시 한 춤을 추나, 정말 편하게 느 껴 진, 노래를 부르 는가하면 정말 너무너무 좋 너희 곡이라도 엔 유난히 노래 한 고음이 항상나를 끌어 단번에 알 수 있는 너를 정말 매우 기뻐하고 즐 거 웠어요,또 당신을 알 뿐만 아니라 노래도 노래를 쓰면 다니,이 아이 돌인 네가 이미 성공 적이다고 느 껴 졌고 동시에 발견 당신은 대장 으로서 직전의 썩은 회사 때문에 온갖 설움과 각종 압력을 견디면 특별히 너를 위해 괴롭지만 다행히 너희는이 러한 곤난들을 해결을 극복 했다가 점점 더 당신들이 중국 에도 많은 팬을 썼 으니진심으로 bilibili에 입주하셔서 제가 매일 뵈면 될텐데 생각만 해도 너무 예뻐요 ㅋㅋ...매일 b 사이트 웨이보 덜음샤오홍서 위챗그룹 (omega x 팬클럽)에서 너와 너에 관한 재료를 바르다 보니 중독된것 같았어. 김재한좋아라는 독에 중독된것 같았어...그리고 해답 없어, 정말 이미 한 달이 빨랐어, 난 같은 비디오를 아주 여러 번 볼 내용이나 당신을 볼 수 없어 기억하고 있어... 하하 정말 너무 당신을 좋아해, 당신은 정말 사람을 위로, 내 말이 많아...오늘은 이만하고 나중에 생각나는 대로 쓰도록 할게!매일매일 사랑해, 니가 건강하길 바래, 잘 먹고, 잘 자고, 잘 생활하고, 자신을 사랑해!
You go ahead one by one,I will always support you.OMEGA X fighting!
Thank you for never giving up. Thank you for meeting you all, you are really great. More and more people have discovered your treasure trove. Please always be happy and happy.
Jaehan You are my sunshine, if music has soul, It will be you. You are very pure. Hope you are always happy and healthy. I will be happy as long as you happy. Dear Omega x members, Thank you for not giving up and you set an example how to survive in this hard world. I am always there for you. All 11 members are diamonds to us. Please everyone take care and be happy all the time. We will stay together for long time so you can lean on us whenever you want.
Dear my babies, Long time no see!I'm so miss you. Hearing that you will send out new song tomorrow,I'm so glad.I always think that it is a such luck chance for me to meet you.In my eyes,everyone plays an important part in this team.For me,you are also important in my daily live.You have become the light of my life. IIhope you can continue to work hard, you are really very good, I believe we will be very good in the future, will walk the Flower Road together.And of course, in your busy lives, take care of your own bodies. Must be healthy, please let me see you live.I love you.
I know you have endured a lot. Although you have not had a smooth sailing along the way, thank you for overcoming obstacles and uniting together. For X will always be with you,Never give up and I love all of you.
사랑해요 Yechan Omega X fighting!!! I love you forever
yechan baby
오메가엑스 ㅂㄱㅅㅍ :(
hi my sunshine, i want you to know that you have the most beautiful soul . i miss you every single day, i kinda miss your update about the sunflower and strawberry tho haha. hope your day is filled with happiness \⁠(⁠๑⁠╹⁠◡⁠╹⁠๑⁠)⁠ノ
Hi!Jehyun!축하드립니다 우리 Jehyun이 24살의 문을 열었습니다!망망한 인파 속에서 당신을 알게 되어 매우 기쁩니다!!너를 만난 첫 느낌은 여우 같아 귀여워!!사랑해요!우리 오메가 앞으로 꽃길!컴백 기대합니다!사랑해요 자기!!한국어 공부 해요! 기계번역이 정확하지 않을 수도 있어요.
love from 蓝莓
안녕하세요, 저는 중국에서 온 팬입니다. 이것은 내가 세번째 편지를 보내는 것입니다. 단지 당신이 매우 좋고, 자신과 모두를 위해, 자신의 몸을 잘 보호하고, 나와 중국의 팬들은 모두 당신을 사랑해요. 또한 당신의 사업이 점점 더 좋아지길 바라고, 더 좋은 노래를 만들고, 당신을 사랑해요 ^ 3 ^
Dear OMEGA X, Hi! I'm one of your Chinese fans. I knew Jeahan and Yechan from A Shoulder To Cry On,then I tried to get to know all of you guys and I found that all of you have your own advantages and personal styles,I was pleasantly surprised ! I know you've been through some bad things, but it's all behind you, and you'll have a literally great future! You will shine in you field !I will follow you guys and I'm looking forward to your return! OMAGA X FIGHTING❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪
I love you more and more each day
HYUK I LOVE YOUUUUUUU 🤧❤ I hope all of your birthday wishes come true 🥺 Be happy, eat well, take care of your health, and smile lots!!! Thank you for being born today, my darling 💕
Hyuk's Bestie
I want the letter to have their own thoughts in life and how they would like to live their life🙌🏼 What life style do they like?
Idk hold on😭 That I deserve to live maybe I love u from jonghoon is all i need haha That I'll be a good doctor in the future 😥
What ever you're up to today, I hope you are happy and having fun. Sending virtual hugs,
Hi OX~, I didn’t know these letters were a thing until just a few minutes ago, but I’m grateful to For X that put this together so we can talk. First of all. I love watching all of you guys’ tik toks and seeing your pictures on instagram and Twitter, it brings me happiness to see you guys living your best life. Also congratulations on your performance! I was cheering you guys on and ‘Dream’ is beautiful! I can’t wait to see what else you guys have in store for us and I’ll be sure to cheer y’all on then as well. It’s been a while right? I remember when you guys came to San Antonio, it was my first time seeing you but I know it definitely won’t be the last so I’ll wait for you patiently:). I’ve have an Omega X bracelet I made when you guys came here, and I’ve never took it off since, not even once. I can’t put into words how much I miss you but also even more impossible to describe is how much I am so proud of you all. Your strength is unmatched and please always know I am here to protect you and be the light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t want to ramble any longer haha but thank you for reading this letter, it means a lot. I love y’all so so so much and let’s talk again soon. -Sabryna
이진우 생일축하해요! 기쁨가득한날을 보냈으면 좋겠어 요! 이사랑해요 🫶 행복하시고 건강하게 흥넘치게사세 요! 태어나 줘서 고마워요 🥹💞
Happy Birthday Xen! I hope you are having the best day because you deserve it. You been working hard and it good that you are taking care of yourself. ❤ Much Love!
Lee Jinwoo!!!!!! XEN XEN XEN!!! Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy your day so much. Always remember ForX are proud of you! Thank you for continuing to sing for us and being brave to continue fighting for your dream. I love you so much 💚
My sunshine, my happy pills Xen. Happiest birthday to you. May all the good things happen to you and please stay happy also take care of yourself. I'm so looking forward to see you perform on the stage again❤️ You know that For X always be supporting whatever you do. Please always be my sunshine and my happy pills
Jung Haera
ah, xen.. our big jinwoo... can i just say you are looking SO DAMN FINE lately 😳❤😳❤😳❤ happy birthday king! i hope you get to smile and laugh a lot today! i hope you feel loved and that all your birthday wishes come true ❤ ❤ ❤
JUNGHOON!!!!! I hope your birthday was full of love and laughter <3 ilysm bestie i hope we get to see you soon..
I'm a 누나 FORX, and I just want to tell you guys that you are really important to me. You were my first Kpop concert ever. I'm from Guadalajara, México, you're first stop on the last tour. I hope, besides everything, you could feel the love this city and Mexico has for you. I got you a doll that is very representative of Mexico, called Doctor Simi, I hope the Mexican staff have sent them to you. Last week I watch your performance at HMA, and You don't have idea how proud I am of you guys. You deserve the best in this world. I Love you so so much! I hope to see you again!! Lots of love from Mexico!!
Aria Díaz
i just want to say to my 11 favorite people that today if it weren’t for them i wouldn’t be who i am. my life is so beautiful since their music accompanies me. they are everything to me, from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep, if they weren’t with me everything would be dark and scary and instead they help me live this life in the best way. thanks to their eyes i can see a wonderful life, the one i want to live. i will forever thank the sky, fate, the stars, for putting them in my path. i hope i can continue walking holding their hand, all 11 of them. this is how my heart is formed.
⊱ ׄ ׅ✧ DEAR OMEGA X ✿ I'm glad you're not giving up. I'm glad to be able to listen to your voices, to see you happy. I hope you find company soon and can move forward. I wish you all good luck and many happy moments. We, FOR X, are always with you. I'm sad that I will not be able to meet you, because I live in Armenia and it is not easy to get a visa. But seeing your evidence through the screen makes me happy. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Omega X is a one of a kind group - and after everything you've been through I hope you get to take a break and relax. FOR X will be here when you're ready!
I really like your voices together, a team destined to bright as shine as the sun. Keep going guys! I'm cheering and waiting for you!
Oh its been so long. I hope you are doing well. The weather should be warming up soon. I like spring rains and when the flowers bloom. Its feels so new and crisp. I like taking walks during this time to see the trees bloom and hear the birds. Hoping this spring brings new light to your journey. Keep fighting.
Omega X thank you so much for being so brave! We're so proud of you! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Taedong, my handsome, cool, same-age friend! ... I've been sitting here for way too long trying to write this letter but none of the words feel right. If I tell you "I love you" is that enough? My feelings are too big for any words to capture. You are an incredible person, Kim Taedong, and I'm glad I get to know you and love you. I hope you feel loved every single day of your life. 사랑해요 ❤
Song Hangyeom... I almost saved this letter for last because I couldn't figure out what I wanted to say... I wanted to mention Chorong and how cute you two are together. I wanted to ask how it's possible that you get more and more handsome with every day that passes. I wanted to tell you to get plenty of rest, eat plenty of food, and take care of your physical and mental health. But instead of all that, I'll just say one thing - 태어나줘서 고마 워요 ❤
Omega X thank you so much for being so brave! We're so proud of you! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
Taedong, my handsome, cool, same-age friend! ... I've been sitting here for way too long trying to write this letter but none of the words feel right. If I tell you "I love you" is that enough? My feelings are too big for any words to capture. You are an incredible person, Kim Taedong, and I'm glad I get to know you and love you. I hope you feel loved every single day of your life. 사랑해요 ❤
Song Hangyeom... I almost saved this letter for last because I couldn't figure out what I wanted to say... I wanted to mention Chorong and how cute you two are together. I wanted to ask how it's possible that you get more and more handsome with every day that passes. I wanted to tell you to get plenty of rest, eat plenty of food, and take care of your physical and mental health. But instead of all that, I'll just say one thing - 태어나줘서 고마 워요 ❤
Oh my darling, dearest, sweetheart Hwichan~ You take my breath away. I miss you more than I ever thought I could. I hope you are safe and happy and warm and healthy right now... Maybe you're too busy eating so many delicious foods... Maybe you lost track of time because you were laughing too much with your friends... As long as you're happy wherever you are, I'll be okay missing you.
Sebin~~~ You're handsome, you're stunning, you're talented, you're breathtaking, you're funny, you're smart, you're cool, you're kind... you're everything good in the world 🥺❤ Thank you for being you!
Our leader Jaehan! Thank you for taking such good care of our boys ❤ I hope you know that being a leader isn't about dealing with hardships all alone. Asking for and accepting help is one of the strongest things a person can do. I love you so so so much and I hope you are resting well~ ❤❤❤
my soulmates... i will love you forever...
i love youuuuuuu
I admire your never-ending strength and courage!!
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